In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the need for effective teacher assessments is more crucial than ever. Traditional methods often fall short of capturing the true essence of a teacher's abilities. Enter the EPiC™ Key Assessment – a revolutionary approach to teacher candidate assessment that not only aligns with the demands of the 21st-century classroom but also embodies authentic tasks and practical classroom experiences at about ⅓ the cost of traditional preparation assessments.

Planning & Instruction for Real-World Impact
EPiC™'s approach to measuring teachers' abilities in planning and delivering lessons is a game-changer. The purpose of Part A: Planning & Instruction is to delve into the intricacies of teachers' capacity to design and execute authentic lessons that cater to diverse learners and captivate student engagement.
Summarize Key Information EPiC™ prompts teachers to begin by summarizing key information about their students. This step ensures that educators have a holistic understanding of their classroom demographics, allowing for tailored lesson planning.
Plan Three Lessons Based on Collected Data Armed with insightful student information, teachers embark on the journey of planning three lessons. This isn't a mere theoretical exercise but a practical application of data-driven decision-making in crafting lessons that resonate with the unique needs of their students.
Teach and Video Delivery of Planned Lessons EPiC™ employs the power of technology by requiring teachers to video the delivery of their planned lessons. This provides a real-time, unfiltered view of instructional practices, fostering transparency and self-reflection.
Analyze Instructional Practices through Video Reflections Teachers engage in reflective practice by analyzing their instructional practices through video reflections. This self-analysis, coupled with provider feedback, nurtures a culture of continuous improvement.
Critical Analysis of Planning and Instruction Practices A crucial element of Part A is the completion of a critical analysis of planning and instruction practices. This step encourages teachers to identify strengths and areas for growth, promoting self-awareness and professional
Assessment & Analysis for Practical Growth
Moving on to the assessment phase, Part B: Planning & Instruction, EPiC™ continues to push the boundaries of traditional evaluation methods, focusing on teachers' abilities to collect and analyze student data effectively and use the insights gleaned to plan future instruction.
Create A Standards-Based Assessment and Scoring Rubric Teachers are tasked with creating a standards-based assessment and a unique scoring rubric. This not only evaluates their understanding of academic standards but also showcases their creativity in designing assessments that align with diverse learning objectives.
Score Student Work and Analyze Learning Patterns EPiC™ requires teachers to actively participate in scoring student work and analyzing learning patterns. This hands-on experience ensures that educators are not only adept at creating assessments but also skilled in extracting meaningful insights from student patterns.
Provide Targeted Feedback and Plan for Future Learning Teachers take on the role of learning facilitators by providing targeted feedback to students based on the assessment results. This step fosters a student-centric approach, emphasizing continuous improvement and personalized learning experiences.
Critical Analysis of Assessment Practices EPiC™ wraps up with teachers conducting a critical analysis of their assessment practices. This reflective process encourages educators to refine and enhance their assessment strategies continually.
A Cost-Effective Approach
EPiC™ transcends the limitations of traditional teacher assessments, ushering in a new era of authentic tasks and practical classroom experiences, while also remaining a cost-effective solution for preparation program providers. At $99/ teacher candidate, providers can implement this empirically validated assessment solution for about ⅓ the cost of traditional preparation assessments. By seamlessly integrating technology, data-driven decision-making, and reflective practices, EPiC™ not only evaluates teachers' capabilities but also nurtures a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that educators are well-equipped to meet the dynamic challenges of modern education.